The Callan Rubakov Effect

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HENN 318
Daniel Brennan
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Jonah Berean-Dutcher (

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The Callan Rubakov Effect describes the interaction between (massless) fermions and a smooth monopole in 4d gauge theory. In this scenario, the fermions can probe the UV physics inside the monopole core which leads to interesting effects such as proton decay in GUT models. However, the monopole-fermion scattering appears to lead to out-states that are not in the perturbative Hilbert space. In this talk, we will review this issue and propose a new physical mechanism that resolves this long-standing confusion.



T. Daniel Brennan is a Physics postdoc at UC San Diego. His research focuses on applying the framework of generalized global symmetries to study strongly coupled quantum field theories. Daniel was previously a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Chicago and received his PhD from Rutgers in 2019. 

Add to Calendar 2024-01-26T12:00:00 2024-01-26T13:00:00 The Callan Rubakov Effect Event Information: Abstract:  The Callan Rubakov Effect describes the interaction between (massless) fermions and a smooth monopole in 4d gauge theory. In this scenario, the fermions can probe the UV physics inside the monopole core which leads to interesting effects such as proton decay in GUT models. However, the monopole-fermion scattering appears to lead to out-states that are not in the perturbative Hilbert space. In this talk, we will review this issue and propose a new physical mechanism that resolves this long-standing confusion.   Bio: T. Daniel Brennan is a Physics postdoc at UC San Diego. His research focuses on applying the framework of generalized global symmetries to study strongly coupled quantum field theories. Daniel was previously a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Chicago and received his PhD from Rutgers in 2019.  Event Location: HENN 318