PHAS Courses for Science Electives or Breadth Requirements

Physics and Astronomy courses which do not have a Physics 12 requirement include ASTR 101, 102, 310, 311, PHYS 100, 340, 341 and 343. In the case of PHYS 100, non Science students need second year or higher standing to register without Physics 11, and you cannot take PHYS 100 for credit if you have Physics 12.

Below are lists of PHYS and ASTR courses with minimal pre-requisites, for students that are looking for science electives or breadth requirement courses.

Courses with No Prerequisites (suitable for Arts or other non-BSC / non-BASC students)

  • ASTR 310 (Exploring the Universe: the Solar System) is offered in September.  It includes an alternate-week tutorial.  Not available to Faculty of Science or Applied Science students, or to first-year students in any faculty.
  • ASTR 311 (Exploring the Universe: Stars and Galaxies) is offered in January with a regular section, and as a Distance Education course in both Winter and Summer sessions. It includes an alternate-week tutorial.  Not available to Faculty of Science or Applied Science students, or to first-year students in any faculty. Click here to view the course poster.
  • PHYS 340 (From Atoms to the Universe). Not available to Faculty of Science or Applied Science students. Contact Physics Curriculum Committee at to arrange offering.
  • PHYS 341 (Physics of Music) is offered in January. Not available to Faculty of Science or Applied Science students, or to first-year students in any faculty. Some LING (linguistics) courses recommend PHYS 341 as a prerequisite.  The Applied Music Technology minor to a Bachelor of Music strongly recommends PHYS 341. Click here to view the course poster.
  • PHYS 343 (Physical Science by Inquiry) is for prospective science teachers. Not available to Faculty of Science or Applied Science students. Contact Physics Curriculum Committee at to arrange offering.

Courses with No University Prerequisites

  • ASTR 101 (Introduction to the Solar System) is offered in September. It includes a laboratory. Requires BC high school Physics 11 or 12, and BC high school Principles of Math 12.
  • ASTR 102 (Introduction to Stars and Galaxies) is offered in January. It includes a laboratory. Requires BC high school Physics 11 or 12, and BC high school Principles of Math 12. 
  • PHYS 100 (Introductory Physics) is a lecture+tutorial course equivalent to BC high school Physics 12. It is offered in September and as a Distance Education course in Summer Session. Requires BC high school Principles of Math 12 or Pre-calculus 12, and Physics 11 is recommended.
  • PHYS 131 (Energy and Waves) is a lecture+tutorial course for general science students.  It is usually offered in September, January, and Summer term 1. Requires BC high school Physics 12 or PHYS 100.  Differential calculus is a co-requisite.
  • PHYS 117 (Dynamics and Waves) is a lecture-only course for students in the physical sciences emphasizing classical mechanics.  It is offered in September.  Requires BC high school Physics 12 or PHYS 100.  Differential calculus is a co-requisite.
  • PHYS 119 (Experimental Physics Lab) is a stand-alone laboratory course to complement PHYS 117 and 118.  It is offered in September, January and Summer session.

Courses with Low University Prerequisites (suitable for BSC / BASC students)

  • PHYS 118 (Electricity, Light, and Radiation) is a lecture+tutorial course emphasizing electricity and magnetism.  It is offered in January and Summer term 2. Requires one term of university physics and differential calculus. Integral calculus is a co-requisite.
  • PHYS 200 (Relativity & Quanta). It is offered in September. Requires differential & integral calculus and two terms of university physics.
  • PHYS 330 (Modern Physics) covers topics in atomic, nuclear and particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology for Science students outside of Physics & Astronomy. Requires differential calculus and one term of university physics.  Contact Physics Curriculum Committee at to arrange offering.
  • PHYS 333 (Energy & Climate) covers topics in energy use and climate change. Requires differential & integral calculus and two terms of university physics. 
  • ASTR 333 (Exoplanets and Astrobiology) is offered in January. 
  • PHYS 438 (Zoological Physics) is offered in January. Requires one term of university physics; BIOL 325 (Intro to Animal Mechanics) is recommended.