The interaction of magnetism and superconductivity, and the development of superconducting spintronics

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The discovery in 2010, using superconductor / ferromagnet / superconductor Josephson junctions, that it is possible to controllably create triplet Cooper pairs in which the electrons have parallel spins created the field of superconducting spin electronics (superspintronics) [1]. However, even if triplet pairing implies that supercurrents can carry spin, this is not in itself sufficient to create functioning superspintronic devices.  In parallel, a variety of other interactions between singlet superconductivity and magnetism have been actively explored.

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AMPL 311
Mark Blamire, Department of Materials Science, University of Cambridge, UK
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2018-05-17T16:00:00 The interaction of magnetism and superconductivity, and the development of superconducting spintronics Event Information: The discovery in 2010, using superconductor / ferromagnet / superconductor Josephson junctions, that it is possible to controllably create triplet Cooper pairs in which the electrons have parallel spins created the field of superconducting spin electronics (superspintronics) [1]. However, even if triplet pairing implies that supercurrents can carry spin, this is not in itself sufficient to create functioning superspintronic devices.  In parallel, a variety of other interactions between singlet superconductivity and magnetism have been actively explored. Event Location: AMPL 311

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