Surveying the Sky with Rubin Observatory

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Rubin Observatory is on track to start operations of the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) in fall 2025, setting off a rush of data that will be massive (20TB per night) and nonstop for ten years. The LSST will survey approximately 20,000 square degrees of sky in ugrizy bandpasses, with highly accurate astrometry and photometry, with individual images reaching depths of about 24.5 in r band.

Event Location:
HENN 318
Lynne Jones (Areotek/Rubin Observatory)
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2024-03-11T16:00:00 Event End: 2024-03-11T17:00:00 Surveying the Sky with Rubin Observatory Event Information: Abstract: Rubin Observatory is on track to start operations of the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) in fall 2025, setting off a rush of data that will be massive (20TB per night) and nonstop for ten years. The LSST will survey approximately 20,000 square degrees of sky in ugrizy bandpasses, with highly accurate astrometry and photometry, with individual images reaching depths of about 24.5 in r band. Event Location: HENN 318

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