Discovering the first cosmic cities: Distant galaxy clusters and the growth of structure in the Universe.

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A galaxy cluster can be likened to a city of galaxies. As such we can ask questions such as how does city living affect galaxies? How do they behave differently to galaxies that are located outside of clusters and what are the physical causes of these differences? I will present the search for distant galaxy clusters as one route to answering these questions. By observing the most distant clusters known we may catch galaxies in the act of accreting onto forming clusters and witness the physics of quenching and morphological transformation in action.

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Hennings 201
John Willis (UVic)
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2020-01-27T15:00:00 Event End: 2020-01-27T16:00:00 Discovering the first cosmic cities: Distant galaxy clusters and the growth of structure in the Universe. Event Information: A galaxy cluster can be likened to a city of galaxies. As such we can ask questions such as how does city living affect galaxies? How do they behave differently to galaxies that are located outside of clusters and what are the physical causes of these differences? I will present the search for distant galaxy clusters as one route to answering these questions. By observing the most distant clusters known we may catch galaxies in the act of accreting onto forming clusters and witness the physics of quenching and morphological transformation in action. Event Location: Hennings 201

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