Illuminating the Dark Universe with Radio Observations

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Redshifted 21-cm emission from neutral hydrogen is a powerful tool for 
observational cosmology research. Measurements across a wide range of radio frequencies allow us to access redshifts that encompass a vast 
comoving volume, spanning both cosmic dawn and the formation of 

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Hennings 318
Cynthia Chiang (McGill)
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2020-02-10T15:00:00 Event End: 2020-02-10T16:00:00 Illuminating the Dark Universe with Radio Observations Event Information: Redshifted 21-cm emission from neutral hydrogen is a powerful tool for  observational cosmology research. Measurements across a wide range of radio frequencies allow us to access redshifts that encompass a vast  comoving volume, spanning both cosmic dawn and the formation of  Event Location: Hennings 318

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