The University is committed to developing an environmental management system that will ensure compliance with legislation, demonstrate due diligence, and establish a process of continuous improvement resulting in environmental stewardship.

There are five components of this system that are outlined below along with Unit responsibilities.

  1. Policy #6 (Environmental Protection Compliance) states that:

    “UBC will act responsibly and demonstrate accountable management of the property and affairs of UBC in protecting the environment. All individuals in the University community share the responsibility for protecting the environment. Administrative heads of unit are responsible for ensuring compliance with legislation and UBC procedures both on and off campus.”

    Approved January 1994. Revised May 2000. See page viii for the policy document.

    All individuals in Units are to be made aware of the policy on Environmental Protection Compliance and other relevant policies (e.g. policy #5 – Sustainability). It is a goal of the University that all administrative heads of unit, or their designates, attend the session on “Environmental Responsibilities at UBC”. For information on upcoming sessions contact the Manager Environmental Programs (822-9527).

    All individuals within the Unit are responsible for reporting incidents, and serious issues immediately to the administrative head of unit. The administrative head of unit shall advise the Manager Environmental Programs immediately of any serious issues.

  2. Planning

    The administrative head of unit, or their designate, must conduct a legal review annually. The review will consist of:

    • A review of the UBC Environmental Legislation Handbook and other resources to determine legislation, codes of practice, guidelines and UBC policies and procedures that are applicable to operations and activities within the Unit.
    • Notification and distribution of applicable legislation, codes of practice, guidelines and UBC policies and procedures, to all affected Unit, Staff and Students in the Unit/Unit.
    • Completion of the regulatory review form in appendix.

    The principle investigator will assess the environmental impact of all new projects or activities. Where possible efforts will be taken to minimize any adverse impacts. For assistance or further information on conducting an assessment contact the Environmental Programs Advisory Committee, c/o the Manager Environmental Programs (822-9527).

  3. Implementation and Operation

    Disposal of hazardous wastes will be conducted in accordance with all applicable legislation and UBC procedures (contact the Environmental Programs Officer, 604-822-9280 for hazardous waste disposal procedures). All individuals handling hazardous materials are also referred to the UBC Spill Reporting Procedures.

    All individuals must be trained prior to conducting activities that could impact the environment. Training records are to be documented and maintained up to date.

    All individuals, where applicable, are encouraged to participate in the following programs:

    • Solvent recovery (contact 822-1285)
    • Photochemical Treatment and Recovery (contact 822-1285)
    • Chemical Exchange (contact 822-6306)
    • Waste Reduction (contact (822-3827)

    Individuals are directed to the following resources to remain aware of environmental issues

    Additional information regarding environmental issues and initiatives will be posted on the bulletin board outside Main Office and on the local Sustainability Web Page

  4. Monitoring and Corrective Action

    Plans will be developed by the unit’s Health and Safety Program Administrator for bringing all identified deficiencies into compliance with legislation. The local Health and Safety Program Administrator is responsible for ensuring issues identified through the UBC environmental audit program are addressed.

  5. Management Review and Reporting

    Environmental issues will be reviewed at the HSE meetings. Serious issues are to be reported immediately to the Manager Environmental Programs and the unit’s applicable Vice President.


  • UBC Policy #6 – Environmental Protection Compliance

  • UBC Policy #5 – Sustainability

  • UBC Waste Disposal Procedure Manual (Contact 604-822-9280)


  • (There are no references here)

Source URL: https://phas.ubc.ca/13-environmental-protection