Exploring Rates of Change in Calculus and Upper-Level Physics Courses

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Physics is the study of change. In many cases, this change involves more than one independent and one dependent physical quantity. In these cases the partial derivative is an important tool, including the geometric combinations of partial derivatives in E & M (e.g. gradient) and the measurable combinations in thermodynamics (e.g. heat capacity).

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Life 2602
Corinne Manogue
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2018-10-19T10:00:00 Event End: 2018-10-19T23:00:00 Exploring Rates of Change in Calculus and Upper-Level Physics Courses Event Information: Physics is the study of change. In many cases, this change involves more than one independent and one dependent physical quantity. In these cases the partial derivative is an important tool, including the geometric combinations of partial derivatives in E & M (e.g. gradient) and the measurable combinations in thermodynamics (e.g. heat capacity). Event Location: Life 2602

Source URL: https://phas.ubc.ca/exploring-rates-change-calculus-and-upper-level-physics-courses