Encrypting Macs with McAfee Management Console

MAC Backup and Encryption Service Provided by the PHAS-IT

Encrypting Macs with McAfee Management Console

The PHAS-IT staff will install software on your Mac that will turn on the built-in Filevault encryption and store the recovery key on a central server managed by UBC IT Services.



Prior to encrypting, please backup all important data files. If you wish, the PHAS-IT staff can back them up for you prior to installation of encrypion software. Please notify sysadmin@phas.ubc.ca in advance.

Mac Currently Unencrypted

  1. Create temporary admin account for tech staff. This can be skipped if you are present.
  2. Rename Mac to conform to naming convention (CPSC-CLM-CWL(n)) where n is a number based on how many devices to encrypt. DELETE?
  3. The McAfee software agent will be installed on your Mac.
  4. Sync agent with server and reboot when prompted.
  5. Login as normal and Mac will begin encryption. Encryption will continue in background until 100% done. Progress can be checked under System Preferences-> Security and Privacy -> FileVault
  6. Test Mac and report any application issues to sysadmin@phas.ubc.ca.

Mac Already Encrypted

  1. Create temporary admin account for tech staff. This can be skipped if you are present.
  2. Rename Mac to conform to naming convention (CPSC-CLM-CWL(n)) where n is a number based on how many devices to encrypt. DELETE?
  3. The McAfee software agent will be installed on your Mac.
  4. Sync agent with server and reboot the Mac. 
  5. A McAfee icon will appear on the top notification bar after approximately 20 minutes. After another hour we can proceed to creating a new recovery key.
  6. Open terminal window and create a new recovery key.
  7. Left click McAfee icon and select McAfee Endpoint Protection for Mac Console.
  8. On the left menu, select Encryption and copy/paste key from step 5 into Recovery Key window and click Apply.
  9. The recovery key is now escrowed on the Central server. The key can be emailed to you on request as it will be changed during this final step.

Source URL: https://phas.ubc.ca/encrypting-macs-mcafee-management-console