To provide all members of the University Community including Unit, staff and students with an environment safe from violence or the threat of violence.


The University is committed to take appropriate action(s) whenever possible to eliminate or minimize the risk or threat of violence to Unit, staff, students and visitors. Where the risk or threat of violence exists, the WCB requires the University to develop a “Preventing Violence in the Workplace Program”.

To meet this requirement a risk assessment should be developed. This includes:

  1. Risk Assessments

    The Unit’s Health and Safety Program Administrator (SPA) must conduct a risk assessment in any workplace in which a risk of injury to workers from violence arising out of their employment may be present.

    When conducting the risk assessments the SPA should consider:

    • The nature of interactions between workers and the public
    • The nature of the work environment
    • The attributes of workers/clients
    • Past history of incidents of violence in your workplace and in similar operations

    This could include but is not limited to:

    • A work site walk-about with affected staff
    • An employee personal security survey
    • Selected interviews with workers
    • A review of crime or incident reports

    Members of the Health and Safety Committee should review the risk assessment to ensure that they are properly conducted. The Head of Unit or delegate is responsible for the implementation of recommendations.

  2. Policies and Procedures

    Policies and procedures have been developed to address threats to personal security. These include: APPENDIX C – Preventing Violence in the Workplace Program

  3. Instruction of Workers

    Supervisors inform workers of the nature and extent of the risk of violence that they may be exposed to. Supervisors provide appropriate training to enable workers to recognize the risk, to take preventative measures and to report incidents. This information is communicated during orientation and on-the-job training.

    Workers who are faced with the imminent threat of violence should call “911” and then Campus Security at (2-2222) when it is safe to do so. This could include such situations as personal threats of violence, threatening letters and/or bomb threats.

  4. Response to Incidents

    Workers are instructed to report all incidents of violence to the area supervisor. The area supervisor will then:

    • Ensure that injured workers are attended to and that they are advised to consult a physician ……………………., if needed
    • Inform the Personal Security Coordinator and Campus Security of the situation
    • Investigate the situation
    • Take steps, if able, to prevent or minimize repeat occurrences; otherwise, report the situation to senior management for correction.


  • Personal Security Website
  • APPENDIX C - Preventing Violence in the Workplace Program
  • WCB Regulation, part 4.27- 4.31
  • UBC Policy #7 Health and Safety, and Policy #14 Threatening Behaviour

Source URL: https://phas.ubc.ca/10-personal-security-and-public-safety