Studying galaxies and their halos with tidal debris

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Tidal debris structures, composed of stars cast off by disrupting satellite galaxies and globular clusters, are striking evidence of the hierarchical formation of galaxies. They are windows into galactic accretion and provide powerful probes of dark matter halo structure and substructure. Recent advances in low surface brightness imaging and star count studies have revealed a wealth of new examples both around the Milky Way and farther afield.

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Hennings 318
David Hendel (UofT)
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2020-02-03T15:00:00 Event End: 2020-02-03T16:00:00 Studying galaxies and their halos with tidal debris Event Information: Tidal debris structures, composed of stars cast off by disrupting satellite galaxies and globular clusters, are striking evidence of the hierarchical formation of galaxies. They are windows into galactic accretion and provide powerful probes of dark matter halo structure and substructure. Recent advances in low surface brightness imaging and star count studies have revealed a wealth of new examples both around the Milky Way and farther afield. Event Location: Hennings 318

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