Exploring Spin and Topological Phenomena in Complex Oxide Thin Films

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Complex oxide materials exhibit a wide range of electronic and magnetic behavior in bulk and thin films. With advances in oxide thin film deposition techniques, we are now able to realize atomically precise thin films, heterostructures and interfaces of these complex oxide materials that open up a new phase space for materials discovery. The stabilization of unusual ground states in such atomically precise complex oxide materials has led to discoveries of novel spin and topological phenomena.

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Hennings 201
Yuri Suzuki (Stanford)
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2020-01-16T16:00:00 Event End: 2020-01-16T17:00:00 Exploring Spin and Topological Phenomena in Complex Oxide Thin Films Event Information: Complex oxide materials exhibit a wide range of electronic and magnetic behavior in bulk and thin films. With advances in oxide thin film deposition techniques, we are now able to realize atomically precise thin films, heterostructures and interfaces of these complex oxide materials that open up a new phase space for materials discovery. The stabilization of unusual ground states in such atomically precise complex oxide materials has led to discoveries of novel spin and topological phenomena. Event Location: Hennings 201

Source URL: https://phas.ubc.ca/exploring-spin-and-topological-phenomena-complex-oxide-thin-films