Using new nonlinear methods to improve molecular imaging

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Advances in ultrafast lasers, and in technologies to control those lasers, have led to methods which image intrinsic nonlinear optical signatures that were not previously observable in complex materials (such as tissue or Renaissance paintings).  Contrast comes from effects such as excited state absorption, ground state depletion, and cross phase modulation - with much less power than a laser pointer.  An emerging medical application is in melanoma, which presents serious diagnostic challenges today.  More patients die from melanoma after a Sta

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Hennings 201
Warren Warren (Duke)
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2019-12-05T16:00:00 Event End: 2019-12-05T17:00:00 Using new nonlinear methods to improve molecular imaging Event Information: Advances in ultrafast lasers, and in technologies to control those lasers, have led to methods which image intrinsic nonlinear optical signatures that were not previously observable in complex materials (such as tissue or Renaissance paintings).  Contrast comes from effects such as excited state absorption, ground state depletion, and cross phase modulation - with much less power than a laser pointer.  An emerging medical application is in melanoma, which presents serious diagnostic challenges today.  More patients die from melanoma after a Sta Event Location: Hennings 201

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