CM Seminar - Scalable quantum computing with neutral atoms

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Quantum computing is a few decades old and is currently an area where there is great excitement, and rapid developments. One of the daunting challenges in developing a practical quantum computer is the need to scale to a very large number of qubits. Neutral atoms are one of the most promising approaches for meeting this challenge.

Event Location:
Brimacombe 311
Mark Saffman, Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2019-12-05T14:00:00 Event End: 2019-12-05T15:00:00 CM Seminar - Scalable quantum computing with neutral atoms Event Information: Abstract: Quantum computing is a few decades old and is currently an area where there is great excitement, and rapid developments. One of the daunting challenges in developing a practical quantum computer is the need to scale to a very large number of qubits. Neutral atoms are one of the most promising approaches for meeting this challenge. Event Location: Brimacombe 311

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