Dragonfly: NASA's Rotorcraft Lander mission to Saturn's Moon Titan

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NASA recently selected the Dragonfly quadcopter, on which I serve as Deputy Principal Investigator, as the fourth mission in its New Frontiers program of planetary missions.  Dragonfly will land on the surface of Saturn's hazy moon Titan to explore prebiotic chemistry, to evaluate its habitability, and look for chemical biosignatures.  Titan is one of just 4 planetary bodies that has both a thick atmosphere and a solid surface - Venus, Earth, and Mars are the others.

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Hennings 201
Jason Barnes (U Idaho)
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2019-09-05T16:00:00 Event End: 2019-09-05T17:00:00 Dragonfly: NASA's Rotorcraft Lander mission to Saturn's Moon Titan Event Information: NASA recently selected the Dragonfly quadcopter, on which I serve as Deputy Principal Investigator, as the fourth mission in its New Frontiers program of planetary missions.  Dragonfly will land on the surface of Saturn's hazy moon Titan to explore prebiotic chemistry, to evaluate its habitability, and look for chemical biosignatures.  Titan is one of just 4 planetary bodies that has both a thick atmosphere and a solid surface - Venus, Earth, and Mars are the others. Event Location: Hennings 201

Source URL: https://phas.ubc.ca/dragonfly-nasas-rotorcraft-lander-mission-saturns-moon-titan