Departmental Oral Examination (Thesis Title: "Studies of atmospheric properties for optical ground-based Astronomy and methods for laser guide star adaptive optics performance increase")

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Ground-based Astronomy suffers from wavefront distortion by the turbulent atmosphere, preventing telescopes to reach diffraction-limited resolution. Modern large telescopes and next generation extremely-large telescopes use or will use adaptive optics systems with laser guide stars to correct for atmospheric wavefront distortion. The first part of the thesis deals with astronomical site testing and the second part with methods for adaptive optics system improvement.

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Room 309, Hennings Bldg.
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2019-06-19T13:00:00 Event End: 2019-06-19T15:00:00 Departmental Oral Examination (Thesis Title: "Studies of atmospheric properties for optical ground-based Astronomy and methods for laser guide star adaptive optics performance increase") Event Information: Abstract: Ground-based Astronomy suffers from wavefront distortion by the turbulent atmosphere, preventing telescopes to reach diffraction-limited resolution. Modern large telescopes and next generation extremely-large telescopes use or will use adaptive optics systems with laser guide stars to correct for atmospheric wavefront distortion. The first part of the thesis deals with astronomical site testing and the second part with methods for adaptive optics system improvement. Event Location: Room 309, Hennings Bldg.

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