Some of the links simply point to other ".html" files which your WEB Browser can immediately display. Your Browser should also be able to display image files in ".jpg" of ".gif" formats. Other documents are in Postscript, the format used by Postscript Printers. These files will have the extension ".ps" and you have a couple of options for reading and printing them. The files can be saved, either in your account on physics, or on your own computer if you are working from home. It is then possible to print them directly on a Postscript printer. For instance, on Physics you can print a hardcopy of a ".ps" file by typing "lpr". Alternatively, you can open the file using the program Ghostview, or even have your browser configured so that it automatically opens ".ps" files with Ghostview. Another common format is Adobe's .pdf format, for which you need the Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you want these programs for your personal computer, there are links for downloading the free software - just go back to the 209 front page .