David Jones
Dept. of Physics & Astronomy
University of British Columbia
6224 Agricultural Rd.
Vancouver, BC
Canada V6T 1Z1
V: +1-604-827-5830
F: +1-604-822-5324
E: djjones"at"




We are always looking for motivated and scientifically curious people join our research effort. Listed below are opportunities for all levels of education.


Undergraduate Students

My lab normally employs one to two undergraduate students during the year, typically through the NSERC USRA and other programs. In addition, Physics Honours Theses projects and engineering-centric ENPH 459/479 projects are also available each year. For all of these opportunities, please contact me for further details.


Graduate Students

Currently, I'm recruiting one or two graduate students with a specific focus on the Photo-voltaic and Quantum Materials projects. While you must first be admitted to the physics graduate program before I can accept you into my lab, you are welcome to contact me about the specific areas of research areas.


Postdoctoral Fellows and Research Associates

Currently (as of July 2015) we have several openings for Postdoctoral Fellows, Research Associates, and Senior Researchers/Scientists who have experience with ultrafast optics, vacuum technology, nano science and/or material growth/characterization to work on interdisciplinary projects amongst myself and other QMI researchers. Please contact me or QMI for more details


In addition we always have an opening for a fully self-funded Postdoctoral Fellows or Research Associates. A general list of postdoctoral fellowships at UBC can found here. Of particular relevance are the Killam Fellowship and the Banting Fellowship. In addition, QMI research fellowships for Photo-voltaic and Quantum Materials Research are also available.



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